Saturday, October 13, 2012

31 Days Of Praise - Day 13

As Lisa Jo's challenge continues today I want to offer up praise to my Heavenly Father for the fall season. Due to the summer's drought this fall isn't nearly as pretty and vibrant as most. In fact, for the most part, in our area, things are rather drab and blah compared to previous autumns, but, still there are glimpses of color here and there and I am thankful for every little bit of autumn pleasure I can get in on because there just isn't that much compared to normal. For instance, I went out to get the mail while ago and, as I turned to come back to the house, a big gust of wind came along and a mass of leaves came swirling out of our walnut tree and it was one of the prettiest things I've seen this fall. I stood in awe and praised God in the little things...for sending that gust of wind along at just the right time for me to witness that. I ran in and got my camera, hoping to capture a similar scene, but no such gust came along a second time. The point is, I am thankful for the little things and I am thankful for the fall season.

Have a blessed Saturday!

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