Monday, April 22, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - April 22, 2019

Good morning, Sweet Friends! A very Happy Monday to you! πŸ’— 

I trust that each of you had a great week and a lovely holiday weekend! We had a beautiful Resurrection weekend here with many blessings along the way! 🌷

Last week I mentioned getting my new glasses the week before and not being able to tell much difference between them and the old pair? Well, shortly after posting about that, the eye doctor's office called to see how the new glasses were working out. After I told them what was going on they set me a new appointment (on the 30th) and are going to recheck everything. Hopefully, they will get the problem figured out and fixed, and they're doing so at no additional charge. I am so thankful! πŸ’—

Tuesday morning I had a doctor appointment; 
that evening we attended an Easter program that three of our grandchildren were involved in. All of the children in their choir group did a fine job! 

I worked Wednesday (library programs) and made jelly. Unfortunately, I was doing too many things at once and put the sugar in before the pectin and the jelly didn't set right. 😞 As soon as I get the supplies I am going to rework it and try to get it to firm up. I will let you know if I'm able to pull it off or not. πŸ˜†

Thursday was spent working around the house and making cinnamon rolls. Our oldest granddaughter was in the middle of one of her college classes the other day and messaged her mom saying that she wanted some of Grandma Knox's cinnamon rolls. That's all it took! She got 'em! 

Cinnamon Rolls
Also, on Thursday I signed up as a stylist with Lilla Rose. My kit just arrived! (I'm so excited!) If anyone is interested in shopping or becoming a stylist themselves, click HERE

Lilla Rose Stylist Kit
I worked Friday and Saturday. Friday evening we dyed and filled eggs and on Saturday evening we had the annual egg hunt for the grands, where our sixteen youngest participated.

Our Sixteen Youngest Grandchildre
Easter Egg Hunt 2019
Sunday morning, of course, was spent celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord...sunrise service at our daughter and son-in-law's church early, then, breakfast and regular service at our own later. enough about last week! Let's get right on into this week's post! Won't you join me as, I link up with Sandra of Diary of a Stay At Home Mom and all the other lovely ladies that make up the Happy Homemaker Monday crew? You'll be glad you did! πŸ’—

Today I am joining Sandra and the other ladies over at
Diary of a Stay At Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.
Please be sure to go over and check it out! πŸ’—
Right now I am...

... finishing up breakfast and enjoying a cup of hot tea while I work on this post.

Am thinking...

... about the day and week ahead and working on menu plans.

On the breakfast plate...

...  leftovers from yesterday's church breakfast...waffles, link sausage, deviled eggs, and, of course, hot tea! πŸ˜„

The weather...

... Cloudy and breezy...66 degrees with a high of 76 expected. The ten-day forecast looks perfect! 🌞

On my reading pile...

Am still reading The Great Buffalo Hunt by Wayne Gard for work, but didn't have time to read a single word of this this week. I haven't got started on them yet, but plan on re-reading the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder (for the umpteenth time, but with fresh eyes after reading Pioneer Girl and Prairie Fires) and am reading Mother Culture by Karen Andreola.

Online this week...

The Story of Hosea - Amazing Love with Sean Astin and Erin Bethea

On the menu this week...

Monday - invited to supper elsewhere
Tuesday - baked spoonbill, fried morel mushrooms (was blessed with both of these this weekend!), deviled eggs, and green beans 🐟
Wednesday - meatloaf (frozen), baked potato with cottage cheese, and peas and carrots 
Thursday - turkey burgers and oven fries
Friday - baked spoonbill, baked sweet potatoes, cottage cheese, and steamed broccoli
Saturday - dh's night to cook ❓
Sunday - leftovers

On my 'to-do' list...

Monday - HHM post, plan the week ahead, home blessing, laundry
Tuesday - Lead a hike and scavenger hunt in Joplin for area homeschoolers
Wednesday - Take a friend shopping 
Thursday - Dh has consultation with cataract surgeon (prayers please)
Friday - Work
Saturday - Work
Sunday - Church; work in the afternoon

In the craft basket...

Temperatures this week have been pretty steady, so not a lot of color changes. I do like the way the afghan is progressing, though! πŸ’—

Temperature Afghan Through April 22
Saved and dried egg shells this weekend to turn into an art medium for future classes. 

Crushed and Dried Egg Shells
Have been commissioned through work to make a curtain for an open-faced cabinet we have. I will be using a bison-print fabric.

Something interesting that I watched this week...

Our grandchildren hunting Easter eggs! They were so cute!!! πŸ’—

Grandgirls Mercy and Mary

Getting Ready!
(I love this filter!) πŸ’—
From the camera...
Easter Eggs
The First of This Year's Irises
Scripture passage...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful New Year, and I'll see you next week! Blessings!

Until next time,

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Giving The Bedroom A Spring Lift


  1. I really enjoyed stopping by! I really hope they can get your glasses situation figured out for you! You have some super cute Grand babies! I hope you have a blessed week!

    1. Thanks, Shellie! Me, too! Have a wonderful week ahead! <3

  2. Lovely family! seems like a lot of Easter fun.
    Have a great week

    1. Thanks, Lucy! Blessings for a beautiful week ahead! <3

  3. Now I want a cinnamon roll!! Love the afghan! Love the crushed egg shells!! Baked spoonbill?? what is this? My cannoli recipe will be on my blog tomorrow. have a great Monday!

    1. Hey, Jodi! Wish I could make you a big pan of cinnamon rolls and share them with you over a cup of hot tea!'s a Missouri game fish. Google it. Really odd looking fish and they get HUGE! A man in our church shares some with us every year and my cousin always shares the morel mushrooms. I always try to cook that first batch of each together for a real taste of wild Missouri! I'm going to be gone all day tomorrow, but will be looking forward to catching that recipe as soon as I can! Blessings for a wonderful week ahead! <3

  4. Sounds and looks like you had a fabulous family Easter get together! Your afghan is coming along nicely and those cinnamon rolls look amazing. Wonderful pictures! Have a WONDERFUL week.

    1. Thanks, Threesides! You have a wonderful week, too! Blessings! <3

  5. Sounds like you had a fabulous Easter. We're at the stage where we had for the very first time, no kids small enough to hunt eggs with us at Brunch. How lucky to have someone willing to share Morel mushrooms with you! Such a beautiful Iris, makes me anxious for a few blooms but I don't think I'll get any this year since I moved them. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks, Jean! We did have a fabulous Easter and hope you did, too! Yes, the morel mushrooms were a real treat. I fixed them for supper tonight along with the spoonbill! They may not bloom this year, but next year your irises will be beautiful! Blessings for a beautiful week ahead! <3

  6. I hope you get the glasses sorted out, and goodness you had a busy week. I love cinnamon rolls, and yours just made me want some lol

    Hope you're having a blessed week so far :)

    1. Thanks, Sandra! Hope you're having a blessed week so far, too! Thanks for stopping in and thanks for all you do! <3

  7. Love all the Springy Easter pics in this post! Your granddaughters are so cute!! And the candy and eggs & flowers - all yay for Spring being sprung ;0)

    I'm guessing spoonbill is a kind of fish? WAsnt' sure of that on your menu. I hope they get your glasses and eye stuff sorted out. And it looks like your hubby has cataract stuff too? Prayers for you both!

    Blessings on the rest of your week xoxo

  8. Thanks, Carrie! Yes, spoonbill is a kind of fish...a very ODD kind of fish, but it's delicious! Tastes kind of like salmon fillets. Thanks for the prayers. Yes, John goes tomorrow for his consultation. From there we should get a surgery date. Blessings for a great rest of the week! <3

    1. Thanks for the scoop Rebecca - and the fish education! Lol xoxo

    2. LOL! You're welcome, Carrie! If you get time, Google it and you'll see what an odd-looking fish it really is! :O


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