Monday, January 22, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday - January 22, 2018

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
and all the sweet ladies of 
Happy Homemaking Monday!

Good Morning, Sweet Ladies! Happy MONDAY! πŸ’— 

What an awesome and exciting time to be alive! I pray that your week is off to a great start and that this post finds you and yours healthy, happy, and serving the Lord with gladness in every area!

We had a super busy weekend here. I took Saturday off work and daughter, Amber, and I hosted a baby shower for daughter-in-law, Nicole, in the afternoon. We had a good turn-out and there is no doubt that, whenever she decides to come, Baby Kira is fully outfitted and ready to meet the world! πŸΌπŸ‘ΆπŸΌ

On Sunday evening we hosted a little get-together for the boy cousins and their families. Just before they arrived the electricity went off, and it stayed off for a couple of hours or so, but no biggie! The food was hot and ready to serve upon arrival, so we turned on the solar lights, got out a few candles, and a couple of oil lamps, and we had the best time just eating together, visiting, and fellowshipping by lamplight. To be honest, it was kind of sad when the lights came back on. πŸ˜• 

Okay...enough rambling! Let's get started, shall we?

Right now I am...

Finishing up my breakfast and enjoying a cup of hot tea as I write this post. I didn't get as much of a head-start as I had hoped to yesterday, so am pretty much starting from scratch this morning.

On the breakfast plate...

Egg, sliced turkey, and Laughing Cow cheese on sprouted bread and hot tea.

The weather...

Last week was crazy! Snow, actual zero degee temperatures, and below zero wind chill readings in the early part of the week, and 72 degrees, sunny, and spring-like over the weekend. Wow! It was GORGEOUS!!!

Right now it's 39 degrees (but feels like 28) and it's cloudy with the chance of a rain/snow mix this afternoon and evening. At this point the forecast is promising highs in the 40's and 50's and lows in the 20's and 30's over the next ten-day period, but we'll see. After all...this is Missouri! As Mark Twain said, "If you don't like the weather, stick around for five minutes. It'll change!" LOL! πŸ˜† 

On my reading pile...

Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Kenneth E. HaginLive Long, Finish Strong by Gloria Copeland
Life in the Spirit Study Bible - King James Version
I finished reading Tongues: Beyond The Upper Room by Kenneth E. Hagin and am now moving into the next study materials on my list, Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Kenneth E. Hagin, and Live Long, Finish Strong by Gloria Copeland.

On the menu this week...

Another week and we're still managing to stay on track with our Dollar S-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g, Cabinet-Clearing, Clean-Up-The-Food Project For January 2018, however, I don't feel like we're making as much progress as I would like have made by this point. I will post an update on that in a separate post a little later in the week. As we head into the fourth week, here's the plan for this week's menus...

Monday - Breakfast - egg, sliced turkey, and LC cheese on toast
               Lunch - leftover chicken and kale soup and homemade bread
               Supper - leftover stuffed pepper casserole

Tuesday - Breakfast - THM pancakes with blueberries and yogurt
               Lunch - leftover chicken and kale soup and homemade bread
               Supper - leftover stuffed pepper casserole

Wednesday - Breakfast - egg, sliced turkey, and LC cheese on toast
                    Lunch - salmon on a bed of sauteed zucchini
                    Supper - leftover chili and crackers

Thursday - Breakfast - egg white omelet with cheese and sausage patty 
                 Lunch - tuna patties, canned potatoes, and hominy
                 Supper - crockpot haggis, tatties and neeps, and oatcakes (Burns Night)

Friday - Breakfast - THM pancakes with blueberries and yogurt
            Lunch - leftover meatloaf and mac and cheese (freezer)
            Supper - salmon, roasted potatoes, green beans

Saturday - Breakfast - THM pancakes with blueberries and yogurt
                Lunch - leftover meatloaf and mac and cheese (freezer)
                Supper - homemade pizza

Sunday - Breakfast - cottage cheese on sprouted toast
              Lunch - pasta, sauce, Italian Sausage, and homemade French bread (freezer)
              Supper - leftovers

Snacks throughout the week may include smoothies, apples, canned fruit and cottage cheese, cereal, or popcorn

On my 'to do' list...

- Monday - Plan the week ahead, weekly "home blessing", laundry
- Tuesday - Get together with Carla, prepare for tomorrow's library programs
- Wednesday - Present "Birds of a Feather" library program at local library x 2 (this class was originally scheduled for last week, but, due to bad weather, the library was closed, so my class was rescheduled for this week)
- Thursday - Celebrate Burns Night and my cousin's birthday
- Friday - Work
- Saturday - Work
- Sunday - Church

In the craft basket...

Peanut butter pinecone birdfeeders (preparation for library program)

Looking forward to this week...

Celebrating Burns Night. It's just something fun that we choose to do each year. We prepare and eat traditional Scottish foods and read, or listen to, Address to a Haggis by Robert Burns and listen to Auld Lang Syne. And, since my cousin's birthday falls on the same day, the celebration does double duty and makes it twice as much fun!

From the camera...

A Snow-Capped Bird's Nest At Prairie State Park
Taken Monday, January 15, 2018
Scripture passage...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed week ahead and that all goes well for you and yours in every area of life!

Until Next Time...

Recent posts that you might enjoy reading...

Eighteen Things That I Want To Do In 2018


  1. Meatloaf...mmmmm I am going to have to add this to the menu! Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Jodi! My meatloaf was made with bison meat and it is delicious! Have a good one! <3

  2. I love baby showers! Your cousins get together sounds so nice especially with no electricity. as long as everyone is safe I kind of like when the electricity goes out makes us slow down for a bit. Happy Monday!

    1. I love baby showers, too, Row! And, yes, it was! Like you...I kind of like it when the electricity is out (as long as everyone is safe). No matter what's going on or how many people are around it's calm, quiet, and relaxing. Have a blessed Monday! <3

  3. The picture of the nest is beautiful. That's what's life is about.
    Have a great week

  4. Hello! I just wanted to tell you I sent you an email asking about the roll recipe you shared to me in November. Just wondering how many it makes and if I bake them on trays or in a 9 x 13 or other pan. Thanks.

    1. Hello, Kristina! Thanks for leaving a comment telling me that you had sent an email. I’m not sure that I got it a lot sooner than I would have otherwise. As for the Refrigerator Rolls, one recipe makes anywhere from two to four dozen rolls depending on how big you choose to make them and, yes, a 13 x 9 glass pan is what I use. Sometimes I make small rolls (for a big crowd) or, if it’s a holiday or something, I like to make great, big fluffy rolls, so, just play with it until you get a size you like. They really are the best rolls I’ve ever made. Have a great week ahead!

  5. Love your scripture passage for this week! Your menu looks yummy! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks for dropping in, Rachel! Have a great week! Blessings! <3

  6. Isnt this weather wild!! Very mild here today but rain, good rain is coming.. That homemade bread makes me really want to bake some soda bread this week. YUM!!

    1. It IS wild, Schotzy! Yesterday was soooo beautiful! Today it's cold and windy and we're supposed to have rain and snow moving in shortly. I don't think it will stick around long, but, still! Give me those 70 degree temperatures! That was awesome! Enjoy your soda bread and have a blessed week ahead! <3

  7. You shared my favorite verse this week. Speaking of the insane weather, did I hear correctly that there was a tornado touchdown somewhere in south Missouri over the weekend as well?!! Sounds like you hosted a wonderful baby shower and family gathering. Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!

    1. Hi, Jean! I've not heard any news, so don't know about a tornado touchdown. It wouldn't surprise me though. It was really, REALLY warm yesterday. We had rain here late in the evening and an absolutely gorgeous double-rainbow. Have a blessed week, my friend! :)

  8. Sounds like it was a wonderful shower - it's so fun to dream on a new baby coming, isn't it?
    Hoping to get a little more milder weather here this weekend in the northwoods! I'd just love some sunshine. Been some gray sleepy days lately.
    Beautiful photo! Have a blessed rest of your week Rebecca! xoox

    1. Hey, Carrie! Good morning! Yes, the shower was great! Hoping you get some nice weather this weekend. The sun is shining here right now. I'll try sending some your way! ;) Have a blessed weekend! <3

  9. LOVE that bird's nest photo. I'm running so late this week visiting everyone. I sure hope you had a GREAT week!


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