Tuesday, September 11, 2018

30 Days of Summer - Post #29 - The Waning Days of Summer

As the waning days of summer give way to the approaching autumn season, so, too, do the plants that gave us such joy over the course of it.

This is the very tail-end of this summer's sunflowers. I should have
placed something nearby to give reference to the size, because, even
though this blossom looks bright and cheerful enough, in size it falls somewhere
between that of a quarter and a half-dollar. Very tiny, but, oh! So cute! 🌻
For the most part, the purple-headed coneflowers in the front yard have run their course with nothing left to show, but their dried, brown, spindly, spike-like stems and porcupine-like seed pods bulging out on top. We leave them for now because the goldfinches and chickadees are still enjoying them as a food source. That also gives me plenty of seed for next year and extra seed to share with others, as well. 
That is, except for these two! These two, tiny purple-headed coneflowers were found
hiding in the far bed on the south side of the lawn. Just a day or two ago, three more popped up in a bed out front. They are barely five-inches tall and their flowering heads are miniatures in comparison to their mid-summer counterparts. Despite their small size, their color is magnificent and they are a joy to behold! 🌸
The summer vegetable garden, too, exhibits all the signs of end-of-season.
The zucchini are gone (squash bugs took over there at the end and their demise
soon followed), the peppers (green and sweet banana) are still producing,
but the fruits of both are small and not very well developed.

And, as for the tomatoes, we didn't get a ton to begin with and, what tomatoes there
were, were enjoyed in fresh sauce made throughout the summer season.
There certainly weren't enough to put any away for winter and all the tomatoes
we got were very small. In fact, the basket above is only about 8" across the top;
the tomatoes in it range from 1- to 2-inches in length. Not mighty, but very tasty! 🍅
How about you? How are the waning days of summer reflected in your little corner of the world?

Until next time...

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1. Rebecca's HEARTH AND HOME (Waning Days of Summer)  

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  1. Pretty flowers! I noticed today our neighbor's cone flowers still blooming away. Mine are pretty much done though.

  2. I have like four little tiny short ones blooming right now. The rest are done. Have a great weekend! <3


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