Monday, December 30, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - December 30, 2019

Greetings, Dear Ladies! Happy Last Monday of 2019! 

Can you believe it??? 😲 I do believe that that's the fastest year that's flown by yet and here we are...on the cusp of another one! 

So how was your week, weekend, and Christmas? We had a nice Christmas here. Several of our children and their families came over on Christmas Eve. We enjoyed finger foods, hot cocoa, and a great time of fellowship. 

After snacking and visiting we loaded up, drove around town, and looked at Christmas lights; at 10:00 p.m. some of us attended the Christmas Eve Candlight Service at one of the local churches. 

Christmas Day was spent at Patrick and Amber's (our son-in-law and daughter); Patrick's parents (long-time friends of ours) and our youngest son and his family were there, as well. We had a great visit with all.

We have had a few glitches along the way (no hot water since Christmas morning and a flat tire among other things) and some sad news this week, too. 

On Christmas Eve we got word that a dear friend (Geri) had passed away and, on Christmas Day, my cousin, Mary, passed away. Both funerals are today and we will be unable to attend either one as we have pressing things on the homefront that must be dealt with immediately.

I do wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year! May 2020 be a year of great awakening, personal revival, wisdom, insight, and vision for all!!! 

Image result for 2020"

Now...let's get right on into this week's post...shall we?

Please join me as I link up with Sandra of Diary of a
Stay At Home Mom
 and all the other lovely ladies that gather
there on this week's 
Happy Homemaker Monday! πŸ’—
Right now I am...

... taking a break from taking care of business and working on this post.

On the breakfast plate...

... This morning I met up with daughter-in-law, Angie, at Mary's for our quarterly breakfast get-together. I had a biscuit and gravy with a side of bacon. It's the only time I get bacon and it's always so good! πŸ˜‹

The weather...

... A couple of days ago we were under a tornado warning; today it's cold and windy. Now that Christmas is over, I either want snow β›„ or else it can just warm on up and go right into spring! 🌷 

...  On my reading pile...
I finally finished My Father, Daniel Boone - The Draper Interviews with Nathan Boone edited by Neal O. Hammon and I have no idea where I'm headed next.

On the menu this week...

Monday - Broccoli, rice, and cheese casserole
Tuesday - Oven-roasted chicken breasts, baked potatoes, and oven-roasted carrots
Wednesday - Black-eyed peas and cornbread
Thursday - Hot pork sandwiches with mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans
Friday - Broiled salmon, baked sweet potatoes, and mixed vegetables
Saturday - Black bean burritos
Sunday - Leftovers

On my 'to do' list...

- Monday - Meet Angie for breakfast, plan the week ahead, see what we can do about getting the hot water heater fixed or replaced, have tire on van fixeddo weekly "home blessing" and laundry (if time and energy permit...if not...tomorrow)
- Tuesday - Start taking down, organizing, and packing up Christmas decorations, think about some of the things I want to accomplish and work on in 2020, set up January budget on EVERY DOLLAR, set up 2020 bill-paying notebook
- Wednesday - Celebrate the new year and our next-to-the-oldest son's birthday, work (First Day Hike)
- Thursday - Figure January bills, celebrate grandson, Silas's, birthday a day early
- Friday - Bank, pay bills, work
- Saturday - Work, celebrate daughter-in-law's birthday
- Sunday - Church

In the craft basket...

... the tail-end of the temperature aghan

Looking forward to this week...

... finishing up the 2019 temperature afghan

Something I enjoyed watching this week...

Two of my favorite Christmas movies...It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart and Scrooge with Alistair Sim

From the camera...

πŸŽ‰ Wishing You and Yours a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! πŸŽ‰
Scripture passage...

Image result for new year scriptures kjv"

Well, Ladies! That's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a beautiful week ahead and HAPPY NEW YEARπŸ’—

Until Next Time...

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  1. I truly enjoyed stopping by! Some of you ladies you are one are like visiting old friends! I am so glad you had a Merry Christmas! Praying this finds your hot water fixed! I am so sorry for your losses! I pray that you and your family have a Happy and Blessed New Year! I look forward to stopping back by!

    1. Thanks for stopping in, Shellie, and thanks for the kind words! hot water yet! Hopefully, soon, though. We are awaiting the arrival of another part. This has been super frustrating. Blessings for a New Year and thanks again! <3

  2. I am so sorry for your losses to end the year. And all the other yuck on top of it. Hope you get some hot water soon! Prayers for happier times in the new year!

    1. Thanks, Jean! No hot water yet, but, hopefully, soon. Am awaiting the arrival of another part. Blessings for a New Year, my friend! <3

  3. I really enjoyed reading your post today. SO sorry to hear about all your losses and hardships this past week though. I can't believe that not only 2019 is over, but the decade, heck one fifth of the century!!! Here's to a Blessed NEW YEAR!

    1. I hear you, Threesides! Time just keeps marching on and, sometimes, I'm just not sure where it's disappearing to! A fifth of a century!!! WOW!!! Hard to believe! Here's to a New Year and a new decade! May it be our best yet!!! Blessings! <3

  4. I enjoyed stopping by and reading your post as well. I hate to hear of the struggles you have had. Our drains have been clogged and now hubby thinks the septic may need to be drained.

    1. Ahhhh! I grew up with a septic tank and emptying them is not fun. I hope you all got it figured out and that your drains are clog-free now. We're still without hot water here, but hope the new part that we're waiting for fixes the problem. Blessings for a New Year! <3

  5. Hot water is so easy to take for granted! Can't wait to see your finished temperature afghan. :) Happy new year!

    1. Yes, it is, Becki! Will sure appreciate having some once we get the hot water heater fixed. So aggrivating! As for the temperature afghan...I still have a few rows to go. Hopefully next week I will have a picture of the finished product! Blessings for a New Year! <3


I value your readership and love reading your comments! Please leave one today so that I know you were here! Have a wonderful day and God bless you!