Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday 4 - Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

It's Tuesday and it's time for Tuesday 4! Here are Annie's questions for Week 4 of 2020...

Photo Credit

1. Have you built snowmen, women or even entire families of snow people like little sister Tootie did in Meet Me in St. Louis? Did you use a carrot for the nose? Tell us all about how it.

Ahhhhh! I love snowmen â›„, I love Meet Me in St. Louis! (it's one of my all-time favorites!) ðŸ’— and I love Tootie's snow-family! ⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄ (That is until she starts knocking them all down!) 😲

Tootie's Snow Family in Meet Me In St. Louis
Yes! As a child I built a snowman, snowwoman, or entire snow-family every chance I got! (Made a lot of snow ice cream, too!) I used carrots for noses, raisins for eyes and to make the mouth, sticks for arms, and whatever embelishments I could find...old hats, gloves, scarves, etc. I usually added a string of popcorn, raisins, cranberries...whatever we had...draped over the snowman's arms as an extra treat for the birds.

Snowman That Our Youngest Daughter
(in her 30s) Built Just Last Week 
I love snowmen and use them a lot in decorating and craft ideas. Here are a couple of examples that I have shared with others in the past...

Chocolate Pretzel Snowman Craft
2. Are you hoping for snowmen to melt soon in hotter weather?  Tell us about your favorite time of year and please let us know why you love it. List some ingredient of that season that make it special for you.

Not necessarily. I prefer winter over summer for sure, but fall is, without a doubt, my favorite season...warm days under brilliant blue skies, cool, crisp nights, rustling leaves dressed in fiery reds, deep yellows, and varying shades of browns, golds, and purples, orange pumpkins, geese honking overhead, autumn bonfires, and more! I love it all...the sights, sounds, and smells! In fact, a few years ago, I did a 31-Day series on The Joys of Autumn. Anyone who is interested in reading more about why I love autumn is welcome to go there and check it out

3.Remember bundling up as a child? It took so long to do then you had to go potty and all those layers had to come off again! Is dressing up something you enjoy doing?  Why?

Yes, I do remember bundling up (BEING BUNDLED UP) as a child and I hated it!!! Under all those layers I'd get so hot and sweaty that I was almost claustraphobic. As an adult, I would still rather be underdressed and a bit chilly before being over-bundled and hot in cold weather. I like to layer my clothes so I can peel and un-peel as necessary. 😆

4. In Frozen, the little girl desperately wants to reconnect with her sister and reminds her of the happy times of building snowmen.  Are you disconnected from anyone you'd love to reunite with? What happy times with friends and siblings brings you fond memories and smiles to you?

I can't really say that I'm "disconnected" from anyone (I'm really good about looking people up...even decades later...7th grade art teacher 25 years later...an old friend...an artist...who lives in Paris and spends her summers on a yacht in the Mediterranean after something...like...30 years...yes), BUT...my best friend? Who lives half way across town...less than a mile away? We hardly ever see each other these days, so, yes, if there is anyone that I "feel" disconnected with, it is her. I need to contact her today.

Image may contain: 5 people, including Carla Beatty Evans
My BFFF and I and Our Two A. Nicoles
(Me on the Left; Carla on the Right)
(My daughter, Amber, standing behind me; her daughter, Ashley, standing behind her)

I don't have siblings, but what happy times I've shared with family and friends over the years! Some of my most favorite memories have been made over a cup of tea (while sharing a slice of blueberry pie) or going on some wild adventure together! If I was going to "build a snowman" it would be with these folks right here! In fact, I think I HAVE made a snowman with most, if not all of them!!! â›„

Image may contain: 2 people, including Dorothy Henderson, people smiling
My more-like-a-sister-than-a-friend friend, Dorothy.
We've been together since 5th grade and are still very close.
Dorothy, did we ever build a snowman together? ⛄

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling
My friend and used-to-be next-door-neighbor, Robin
(She passed away in 2012 and oh! How I miss her!)
I know that Robin and I built a snowman together. ⛄

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
My oldest daughter, Amber, and my Dad
(Dad passed away in 2016 - Miss him so much!)
And of course my dad built a snowman with me when I was a child and I did the same with my children. ⛄

Image may contain: 2 people, including Amanda Coonce, people smiling
My youngest daughter, Amanda, and I @ Spring Training 2016
(We both work for Missouri State Parks)
Image may contain: 3 people, including Geneva Adams and Bev Lemmons, people smiling, eyeglasses and outdoor
Me and My Two Aunts, Geneva and Bev
@ Missouri Town 1855 - 2019
And my two crazy aunts??? They were always there to build a snowman with me when I was a child! 💗⛄💗

I loved this week's 'do you want to build a snowman' theme! Didn't you? To join right in, visit Tuesday 4 and share your own answers to these questions! 

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...


  1. I loved all your snowmen photos! I like layering as well so I can peel off when it gets hot. I don't like being hot in any season. Thanks so much for joining in. :)
    I am headed now to see your autumn posts.

    1. Thanks, Annie! Appreciate all that you do! Blessings! <3

  2. I Rebecca, I enjoyed your post. I loved your crafts and cookies. It must have been hard to have to take it all of when you had to go to the bathroom! :) Enjoy your week.

    1. LOL! When I had to come in to potty that was it! I didn't go back out again that day! :D Blessings, Susan!

  3. I have never built a snowman. I just never could get the hang of it. My daughters have and my grand doll has, but I never have. I also rarely go out to play in the snow as I don't like being cold.

    1. Too bad that there isn't snow that would hold up in warmer temperatures...eh, Carol? If there was we could build a snowman and stay warm at the same time! LOL! :D

  4. Oh my gosh, those snowmen are adorable! While I don't like winter, I have a thing for snowmen.. go figure!! Have a great week!

  5. Love, love, love this post! Smiles. What wonderful photos...(reading you dont have siblings)--I might as well not have any siblings (makes me sad)...never mind...

    Oh, and I love Autumn too. OHHHHHHHHH and how I love blueberry pie, smiles. Have a great Wednesday, my friend. smiles

    1. Thanks, Linda! You have a great Wednesday, too! Blessings! <3

  6. Wow, the snowman topic was really right up your alley, wasn't it? I especially like that your adult daughter is out there, having fun in the show.

    1. LOL! It sure was!!! And, yes...ends up that both of my girls (38 and 34) built snowmen that day, but only the younest sent me a photo. The oldest girl said that their snowman was really muddy! LOL! Blessings for a great rest of the week! <3

  7. I love snowmen! They are the best. Meet Me In St. Louis is such a wonderful movie...get this...I just watched it for the first time over Christmas, and I loved it so much, I am going to make it a tradition to watch it every year. It is one of my favorite movies. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


    1. It is a wonderful movie, Lori, and one of my favorites, too! I haven't watched it in awhile. Might just do that tonight! Blessings! <3

  8. I forgot to write about my siblings. I enjoyed reading your answers and thanks for the link to the snowman pretzels.

    1. You're welcome, Debby! The grandlittles loved those! :) Blessings! <3

  9. I loved your snowman post. I didn't do the meme as suggested, but shared an old story about our first snow with our kiddos many years ago. I love all your photos and friends. You've been blessed with many happy memories with dear ones! I live in Florida now so we don't get to make snowmen, but I would if I could! Blessings to you and yours.


I value your readership and love reading your comments! Please leave one today so that I know you were here! Have a wonderful day and God bless you!